[ADV] 유가증권 분류 (Debt Security, Equity Security)

유가증권 분류 (Debt Security, Equity Security)

ⓐ ASC 320

Equity Securities
Has positive intent
and ability to hold
to the maturity date
Principally for the purpose of selling them in the near term
Not classified as trading or held-to-maturity
Acquisition Costs
Purchase price + other direct cost
                             ※취득원가에 가산
※유동성 분류
Current or Non-Current
Current Asset
Current or Non-Current
AFS 비유동이 원칙이나 유동으로 전환됨
Amortized cost
Fair value
Fair value
Unrealized G/L
※평가안하기 때문
Net Income
Report realized loss in net income
※상장폐지 경우 종류상관없이 NI 평가함

          ※ 주의해야 할 점은, 유가증권을 구입 후 회계처리 의사를 표현하지 않으면 
               자동으로 AFS으로 구분됨. 만일 HTM, Trading으로 운영하고 싶은 경우 
               의사를 표시한 후 조건을 충족해야 함

ⓑ FV option (ASC 825-FAS #159)

(1) Scope

     Recognized financial assets and financial liabilities except:   
     ※예외를 제외하고 모든 금융자산 및 금융부채에 FAS #159 적용가능

      a. An investment in a subsidiary that the entity is required to consolidate

         ※종속회사에 투자하여 연결이 필요한 경우 FVO 적용불가
             (∵연결과정에서 Investment와 자본을 제거, 시기차이, Goodwill)

      b. Financial assets and financial liabilities recognized under leases

          ※Capital Lease에는 적용 X (하지만 Bond Payable에는 적용가능)

      c. Employers’ obligations for pension and other forms of 

         deferred compensation arrangements
         ※퇴직부채 적용 X (PBO; Projected Benefit Obligation)

      d. Financial instruments that are classified by the issuer

          as a component of shareholder’s equity

(2) Fair Value Option

     ※의무가 아닌 선택

     1) The fair value option established by this Statement 

         permits all entities to choose to measure eligible items 
         at fair value at specified election dates.

     2) A business entity shall report unrealized gains and losses on items 
         for which the fair value option has been elected 
         in earnings at each subsequent reporting date.
         ※FVO 선택 시 미실현손익을 계산하여  NI로 넣자는 것이 골자임

(3) Application

       1) FVO may be applied instrument by instrument, with a few exceptions.
           ※FVO는 개별 증권별로 적용 가능.

               예를들면 ⓐ증권 1%→FVO(O),
                                ⓑ증권 3%→FVO(X),
                                ⓒ증권 1%→FVO(X)

       2) FVO is irrevocable.
           ※주식을 팔때까지 취소불가능

       3) FVO is applied only to entire instruments and not to portions of instruments.
           ※증권의 일부만 적용하는 것은 불가능
                ex) A주식 30%, FVO 적용(O), 70% FVO 적용(X) “불가”

(4) Instrument-by-Instrument
      The fair value option may be elected for a single eligible item without electing it
       for other identical items with the following exceptions:

      If the fair value option is applied to an investment that would otherwise
      be accounted for under the equity method of accounting, it shall be applied
      to all of the investor’s financial interests in the same entity
      (equity and debt, including guarantees) that are eligible items.
      ※ 만일 A회사가 B회사의 주식 30% 구입했다면 (지분법 적용)
           B회사가 보유한 P/S(우선주), Bond(채권)도 동일한 FVO 적용기준을 적용해야 함

(5) Presentation
      An entity shall either:
      ※ 둘중 하나를 선택

1) Present the aggregate of fair value and non-fair-value amounts
    in the same line item in the statement of financial position and parenthetically
    disclose the amount measured at fair value included in the aggregate amount
    ※ 공시시 ① 총액표기후 FV, NFV 구분 표기, ② FV, NFV 구분 표기

2) Present two separate line items to display the fair value
    and non-fair-value carrying amounts.
    ※ FVO를 짚고 넘어가는 이유는 FVO 채택시 지분법을 적용하지 않는 경우가 발생하기 때문임

ⓒ Equity method(ASC 323, APB 18)
      ※ 지분법

      (1) Equity method is required when investor have significant influence over investee
      (2) Consolidated F/S is required when investor have majority of voting stock.
      (3) Significant influence: generally as ownership of 20% or more of voting stock

Less than 20% but significant influence (O)
Greater than 20% but significant influence (X)
- Majority of board of director
- Participating in policy-making
- High level of intercompany transaction
- temporary
- investee is located in a foreign country
  Where severe restrictions exist

     (4) When net assets of investee change, the investor should recognize the % of changes
 in the investment account.
